What Is Hybrid Remote Work?

by Abie Davis

What is hybrid remote work?

Hybrid remote work is a mix of in-office and remote work. If you love to work independently but still want to catch up with your coworkers and boss face-to-face, hybrid work may be perfect for you. 

I did some research and found that 29% of all UK workers are hybrid remote employees.

According to another survey conducted by McKinsey, 58% of employees said that hybrid work increased their productivity.

Want to learn more about hybrid remote work? Will it be a great work model for you?

Join me as I explore what it is and how it works and look at the benefits of hybrid remote work.

Ready? Let’s roll.

What Is Hybrid Remote Work?

So, what is hybrid remote work? Here’s the definition of hybrid remote work:

Hybrid remote work is when employees get to work from home (remotely) for several days a week while having to be in the office for the rest of the time.

Here’s one example of hybrid remote work:

My father-in-law is a programmer for a large fashion retailer in South Africa. On Mondays and Fridays, he works from the corporate office in Cape Town. The rest of the time? He gets to work from home or wherever he wants to.

But this is only one example of a hybrid remote work model.

Different Hybrid Remote Work Models

There are more than one hybrid remote work model.

There are more than one hybrid remote work model.

Did you know that the hybrid remote work model falls within a spectrum? This spectrum ranges from fully remote to mostly office-bound. Here's an overview:

1. Fully Remote

This model requires no physical office—it’s also my favourite! Employees can live and work from anywhere they choose. Everyone, including executives, work remotely.

My pro tip: Get in touch with Sauce Remote if you’re looking to hire fully remote workers.

2. Remote-First

With this model, employees primarily work from home or elsewhere, but offices are available. There is no minimum number of office days required. Some companies call this "Work from Anywhere."

3. Hybrid Remote

And now we’re getting into the juice of it. Hybrid remote work is a mix of in-office and remote work. Based on my experience, there are three common variants:

  • Hybrid Choice: Employees choose which days to go to the office within the company's minimum number of days.
  • Partial Choice: Employees choose which days to go to the office, in addition to one or more fixed days.
  • Fixed Days or Organised Hybrid: The company decides when employees must work in the office.

4. Mostly Office-Bound

Employees work primarily in the office but may occasionally work from other locations, similar to the way they worked before the pandemic.

With so many hybrid remote work models, the question arises: Why are so many people embracing the hybrid remote work lifestyle?


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What Are The Benefits Of Hybrid Remote Work?

Benefits of the hybrid remote work.

Benefits of the hybrid remote work.

Here are 7 excellent benefits of hybrid remote work.

My pro tip: Check out my ultimate guide if you want to compare hybrid remote benefits with the benefits of remote work.

Let’s get into the benefits of hybrid remote work.

1. Increases Productivity

Hybrid remote work boosts productivity, which means more money for your business.

Need proof? FlexOS found that 98% of managers reported increased employee productivity when they switched to hybrid remote work.

But there’s more. Here’s an excellent interview showing how hybrid remote work improves employee productivity.

Most managers themselves also reported increased productivity! What’s the reason for this increased productivity? A better work-life balance.

2. Improves Work-Life Balance

Hybrid remote work leads to a better work-life balance.

Why? Because hybrid employees have the flexibility to balance family obligations and hobbies with work responsibilities.

When employees can choose when (and where) they want to work, they often select times when they’re more energetic and ready to tackle the task at hand. 

While this is excellent news for productivity, it also means fewer sick days.

3. Reduces Sick Days

In 2022, the UK lost a staggering 185.6 million working days, or £32.7bn, due to sick days.

That’s a lot of money gone.

Want to safeguard your business against sick day absence? Hire remote employees or embrace a hybrid work culture.

Employees tend to be more active and healthier with a better work-life balance. They tend to take fewer sick days.

4. Larger Talent Pool

Companies benefit with a broader talent pool.

Companies benefit with a broader talent pool.

Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to work in an office full-time. Those days are long gone, and the world has changed.

I’m not making this up.

I found a great LinkedIn post agreeing with me. According to Omnipresent, 73% of workers would sacrifice other benefits to keep their hybrid schedules.

15% would accept a pay cut, and another 18% would take a demotion if they could stick to a hybrid remote work schedule.

It’s clear: employees want hybrid work schedules.

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5. Improves Job Satisfaction

A hybrid remote work schedule improves job satisfaction.

CIPD reported that 44% of UK employees with hybrid working arrangements are more satisfied with their jobs, line managers and opportunities to progress.

And here’s the thing: when employees have higher job satisfaction, they perform better. Not only are they more productive, but the quality of their work also improves. 

As for a cherry on top, higher job satisfaction leads to lower staff turnover rates.

6. Reduces Turnover Rates

When your staff are more productive and have higher job satisfaction, you end up with reduced staff turnover rates.

Why? Because employees value a company that gives them the perks and benefits they want.

Not only are employees less likely to jump ship, but it’ll also be easier to find new talent when you offer hybrid remote work schedules.

According to a Greenhouse survey, “...more than 40 per cent of candidates will not apply for a role that does not offer their preferred working model.”

7. Enhances Sustainability

Do you want to be more sustainable? Want to look after planet Earth?

Hybrid remote work models may just be the answer.

Hybrid remote work reduces office spaces and commutes.

It fosters a more sustainable future with lower carbon footprints and environmental impacts.

My Final Thoughts

And there you have it.

You now know the definition of hybrid remote work. You understand the benefits of hybrid remote work and can cite some different hybrid remote work models. 

What’s next? You can get in touch with Sauce and find top remote talent.

Abie Davis

Meet Abie, a creative soul who has mastered the art of working remotely. When Abie is not busy perfecting his craft, you can find him indulging in his love for painting miniatures. He is passionate about creating valuable content that resonates with his audience.

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