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11 Stats About Remote Work Productivity You Can’t Ignore

by Abie Davis

Are you looking for remote work productivity stats? I’m a data geek and remote worker, so of course, I will read every study on the subject.

I’ve found the latest studies on remote work productivity and compiled ‘em all into an easy-to-digest article.

Ready to be amazed? Let’s roll.

Productivity And Remote Work: 11 Studies

Here’s an infographic with 11 shocking studies and stats around remote work productivity:

Here's my infographic about remote work productivity.

Here's my infographic about remote work productivity.

Got some more time? Join me as I explore remote work productivity and what the top studies say about it.

1. Remote Work Increases Productivity By 30%

A recent ConnectSolutions survey found that 77% of remote workers show a 30% increase in productivity. 24% of remote workers manage to do more work in the same period as their office-bound counterparts. 

But, it’s not the only remote work productivity study that came to this conclusion.

2. Remote Work Improves Performance By 13%

Stanford surveyed 16,000 workers. They found that remote work increased performance by 13%.

The study continued to point out that some benefits of remote work include a quieter, more convenient work environment, fewer distractions, and even fewer sick days.

All these benefits had a surprising result. Attrition rates were cut in half, and workers reported more work satisfaction.

Not only does remote work improve productivity, but it also saves workers time.

3. Remote Work Saves Workers 8.5 Hours Every Week

I hate commuting. It’s one of the reasons why I prefer being a remote worker. But here’s a fun fact. 

Airtasker found that with no commute, employees save up to 8.5 hours weekly. That adds up to a massive 408 hours, or 17 days every year!

So, what do we remote workers do with all this extra time?


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4. Remote Work Leads To 30 Minutes More Exercise Weekly

Innerbody found that with no commute and up to 8.5 hours extra, remote employees exercise an average of 30 minutes more weekly. This exercise is a great stress reliever, and with less stress, it further improves remote work productivity.

But extra exercise isn’t the only factor improving remote work productivity.

5. Being Alone Further Improves Productivity By 86%

An Ask.com study found that 86% of employees like to work alone. I agree! I’m far more productive when I’m alone.

Another benefit of working alone? Fewer distractions and less stress.

Remote work gives you the advantage of leading a healthier lifestyle.

Remote work gives you the advantage of leading a healthier lifestyle.

6. 70% Of Remote Workers Are Less Stressed And Distracted

Buffer did a study on remote work productivity. They found that 70% of remote workers agree it’s easier to focus on work when working from home. 

In the same study, 65% of those doing remote and even hybrid remote work could manage their stress better. Why? Because 50% reported avoiding office distractions.

7. Remote Employees Work 1.4 More Days

Another Airtasker survey found that remote employees spend more time at work. In fact, they spent up to 1.4 more days working than their office-bound coworkers. They also reported a 15% difference in avoiding work or calling in sick.

The secret to this productivity boost? Taking more breaks.

8. 37% Of Remote Workers Take More Breaks

In the same Airtasker survey, 37% of remote employees take regular breaks. They believe it’s the best way to stay productive.

My two cents? I agree! 

If you remember my guide on the best remote work tools, you’ll recall that I talked about using a tomato timer to improve my productivity while taking more breaks.

What do remote workers do with these extra breaks? 

They grab a snack, drink water, or get much-needed fresh air. The average remote worker spends about 22 minutes on breaks throughout the day.

All of these breaks have another positive consequence.

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9. Remote Workers Are 20% Happier

Forbes found that remote workers are 20% happier than those who didn’t work from home. Not only were employees happier at work, but they also agreed being happier in life.

It’s not the only remote work productivity study I found related to employee well-being.

Flexjobs reports that remote workers are 24% happier and more productive in their roles. And all of this reminded me of something Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, wrote:

“Happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%!”

Want one more shocking study about remote work productivity?

10. 42% Of Remote Workers Multitask

Microsoft did a report on remote work productivity. What did they find? They found that:

  • 42% of remote workers (including me!) multitask during meetings.
  • 87% of hybrid and remote employees are more productive at work.
  • 12% of managers have complete confidence in the productivity of their remote and hybrid teams.

Not only does remote work productivity improve, but companies also save more money.

11. Remote Work Saves Companies Over $11,000 Per Employee

Global Workplace Analytics found that companies can save an average of $11,000 per remote worker. Where are these savings coming from?

From lower cost in office space, increased remote work productivity, reduced absenteeism, wage disparity, and lower staff turnover.

It seems like hiring remote employees benefits workers and companies!

My Final Thoughts

And there you have it: 11 stats about remote work productivity. From boosted production to better employee retention, remote work (and hybrid remote work) is the future.

Abie Davis

Meet Abie, a creative soul who has mastered the art of working remotely. When Abie is not busy perfecting his craft, you can find him indulging in his love for painting miniatures. He is passionate about creating valuable content that resonates with his audience.

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